Weighted Grade Calculator

Assignments Grade Weight


Your Grade Average:


One valuable tool that has emerged to help students understand their academic progress as they navigate the challenges of today’s education is the weighted grading system. Weighted grades simplify the grade calculation process, as well as provide a deeper understanding of student performance. In this article we will explore its importance and benefits.

Importance of Weighted Grades Calculator

Assignments and courses vary in complexity and importance, and are taken into account when calculating a weighted grade. Unlike traditional grading systems that treat all tasks equally, weighted grading gives more value to the most important tasks. For example, final exams can be more burdensome than homework. This gives us a good picture of the student’s overall performance.

Weighted Grade Formula

Use the Weighted Grade Calculator to calculate the weighted grade by multiplying each assignment by its weight, adding these ratios, and dividing by the total weighted score

Using the above formula you can get a weighted grade as follows: (Score1 * Weight1 + Score2 * Weight2 + … + ScoreN * WeightN) / Total Possible Weighted Score

The formula is as follows:

  • Score1, Score2, …, ScoreN represent the scores obtained for each task.
  • Weight1, Weight2, …, WeightN represent the weight assigned to each activity or item. This weight is usually a percentage that totals 100%.
  • The weightable score is the sum of all weights (usually 100%).

Here is an example to illustrate.

A student has three projects containing the following information.

  • Assignment 1: Score = 90, Weight = 20%
  • Assignment 2: Score = 85, Weight = 30%
  • Assignment 3: Score = 95, Weight = 50%

Here is the formula:

  • Weighted Grade = (90 * 0.20 + 85 * 0.30 + 95 * 0.50) / 100
  • Weighted Grade = (18 + 25.5 + 47.5) / 100
  • Weighted Grade = 91 / 100
  • Weighted Grade = 0.91

By multiplying the weighted grade by 100, you can convert it to a percentage:

Percentage of grades based on weighted average = 0.91 * 100 = 91%

In this example, the student would receive a weighted grade of 91%.